What Do We Pay Attention To?
Once we learn the relationship between a cue and its consequences—say, the sound of a bell and the appearance of the white ice cream truck bearing our favorite chocolate cone—do we turn our attention to
Nodding Off First May Leave Your Partner Wanting
MSNBC: WASHINGTON — Falling asleep first after having sex may leave your partner longing for attention and more bonding time, new research finds. “The time the couple spends together after sex is prime time for
Nodding Off First May Leave Your Partner Wanting
LiveScience: Falling asleep first after having sex may leave your partner longing for attention and more bonding time, new research finds. “The time the couple spends together after sex is prime time for bonding and
New Research From Psychological Science
Do 18-Month-Olds Really Attribute Mental States to Others? A Critical Test Atsushi Senju, Victoria Southgate, Charlotte Snape, Mark Leonard, and Gergely Csibra Studies have suggested that infants can attribute beliefs to other people. In an
Depressed People Find It Hard to Stop Reliving Bad Times
MSN Health: June 7 (HealthDay News) — A new study suggests that depressed people suffer from an inability to rid themselves of negative thoughts because they can’t turn their attention to other things. “They basically
You can pay attention without actually doing so
Times of India: But a new study has found that they are not inextricably linked as previously thought, and are actually two separate things, that is, your brain can pay attention to something without you