How Little Sleep Can You Get Away With?
The New York Times: We all know that we don’t get enough sleep. But how much sleep do we really need? Until about 15 years ago, one common theory was that if you slept at
New Research From Psychological Science
Independent Allocation of Attention to Eye and Hand Targets in Coordinated Eye-Hand Movements Donatas Jonikatis and Heiner Deubel When a person reaches for an object, he or she will often look where they reach. But
Why are overheard mobile chats so annoying?
The Irish Times: It’s often the prelude to a loud, mundane and frankly irritating half-conversation that commuters within earshot have to witness. Whether it’s the minutae of the person’s oh-so-interesting day, blow-by-blow details of some
New Research From Psychological Science
Controlling the Unconscious: Attentional Task Sets Modulate Subliminal Semantic and Visuomotor Processes Differentially Ulla Martens, Ulrich Ansorge, and Markus Kiefer Unconscious processing can be affected by how a person’s attention is focused. Researchers gave volunteers
New Research From Psychological Science
The Insula and Evaluative Processes Gary G. Berntson, Greg J. Norman, Antoine Bechara, Joel Bruss, Daniel Tranel, and John T. Cacioppo The insula has been implicated in evaluative and affective processes. New findings indicate that
New Research From Psychological Science
Effects of Adult Attachment and Emotional Distractors on Brain Mechanisms of Cognitive Control Stacie L. Warren, Kelly K. Bost, Glenn I. Roisman, Rebecca Levin Silton, Jeffrey M. Spielberg, Anna S. Engels, Eunsil Choi, Bradley P.