APS Commits to Promoting Transparent Science
Conducting research in a transparent, open, and reproducible way is essential to achieving credible results that advance knowledge in any scientific discipline. Yet, there is no set of organized rules that defines and encourages such
Registered Replication Reports: An Update
When APS debuted the Registered Replication Report (RRR) initiative in 2013, it marked a milestone in the reproducibility movement that has been building in psychological science and other areas of scientific inquiry in recent years.
What’s New at Psychological Science
On January 1, Associate Editors Robert Hartsuiker (University of Ghent, Belgium), APS Fellow Keith Holyoak (University of California, Los Angeles), and APS Fellow Valerie Reyna (Cornell University) left Psychological Science (PS) to become editors of
Journals, Journals, Journals
This month, APS’s flagship journal, Psychological Science, turns 25. To celebrate the journal’s silver anniversary, Sandra Scarr and James McGaugh — both APS Past Presidents who contributed to the first issue of the journal —
Perspectives Launches ‘Forward Thinking’ Section
Research, in the early stages, is a generative process; results can be conflicting, messy, and difficult to interpret, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t thought provoking and worthy of being shared. The editors of Perspectives
New Journals App Offers APS Members Mobile Access to Articles
A new iOS app that offers mobile access to all five APS journals is now available for free in the Apple iTunes Store under Journals@APS. Any user can access APS journal content that is free