Update on AMPPS: APS’s Newest Journal to Feature a Range of Empirical Articles and Topical Issues in Research Methods
The new APS journal devoted to research methods and practices is receiving a steady flow of submissions and has already accepted a number of papers for publication.
‘Hello From the Other Side’ at ICPS 2017: Editors Answer Researchers’ Questions About Publishing Integrative Science
Psychological scientists are increasingly integrating multiple areas of study and levels of analyses into their research, but they face myriad challenges in doing so. Editors from some of the most esteemed journals in the field discuss their viewpoints on conducting and publishing integrative science.
APS to Launch New Research Methods and Practices Journal
APS is seeking nominations for Founding Editor of a new journal that will serve as a home for new developments in research methodology and practices.
What Is Preregistration, Anyway?
The Editors of Psychological Science have been encouraging research psychologists to preregister their research plans before they begin collecting data (or, at least, before they see their data). But what does preregistration actually entail? As
Clinical Psychological Science Begins Awarding Open Practices Badges
Clinical Psychological Science (CPS) has become the second APS journal to adopt an Open Practices Badge program, following a model that Psychological Science pioneered more than 2 years ago. All manuscripts newly submitted to CPS
APS and Open Science: Music to Our Ears
From most of the press accounts of the ambitious project on reproducibility in psychological research published in Science this past summer, one would not have learned that, under the leadership of APS, psychological science has