Seeing Exemplary Peer Work Can Undermine Student Performance
From academic honors to “employee of the month” awards, we are regularly exposed to and made aware of the exemplary performance of others. Many believe such recognition not only acknowledges the individual but also motivates others
Academic Success: Are Teenagers Paying Too High a Price?
NPR: Silicon Valley’s Palo Alto school district is in crisis. The suicide rate for teenagers there is four to five times the national average. This tragic statistic has made the city a symbol of the
Futurity: It’s common practice in Head Start classrooms to teach 3- and 4-year-old children together, but a new study finds older children make significantly smaller academic gains on average when taught with younger preschoolers. In
Do 4-Year-Olds Lose When They Share Classrooms With 3-Year-Olds?
Education Week: Four-year-olds enrolled in Head Start made smaller academic gains when they shared their classroom with 3-year-olds, according to a study out this week by a team of researchers at the University of Texas
Mixed-Age Classes Hinder Kids’ Academic Progress in Head Start
Most Head Start classrooms serve children of mixed ages and that may limit the academic growth of older children, according to new research to be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological
In The Classroom, Common Ground Can Transform GPAs
NPR: Many people have experienced the magic of a wonderful teacher, and we all know anecdotally that these instructors can change our lives. But what if a teacher and a student don’t connect? How does that