Educators Can Help Make Stem Fields Diverse – Over 25 Years, I’ve Identified Nudges That Can Encourage Students to Stay
Jen, a student I taught early in my career, stood head-and-shoulders above her peers academically. I learned she had started off as an engineering major but switched over to psychology. I was surprised and curious.
Colleges Have a Guy Problem
American colleges and universities now enroll roughly six women for every four men. This is the largest female-male gender gap in the history of higher education, and it’s getting wider. Last year, U.S. colleges enrolled
Helping Students Cope with the Pressure to Succeed
Experts say that students from high achieving schools, who are privileged in terms of educational opportunities, are at greater risk of substance abuse, depression and anxiety than the national norm, because of an unrelenting, insidious
Exploring Pipeline Programs That Will Support Your Academic Journey
Pipeline programs (also known as pathway programs) are designed to provide support and resources to aspiring, early-career, and established scholars from diverse ethnic, gender, and economic backgrounds.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on the effect of smartphone use on academic performance, memory for stressful events, posture and Stroop effect, immunity and cognition, number perception, decisions in loss and gain domains, the protective effect of positivity on memory decline.
To Boost STEM Graduation Rates, Focus on What You Can Control
Interventions that encourage students to attribute academic failure to controllable factors could help boost graduation rates.