A Beginner’s Guide to Graduate Advising
Although this guide is primarily intended for students beginning advisor/advisee relationships, I hope that faculty may also find it useful. Your relationship with your advisor may be the most important collaboration of your graduate career.
Strategies and Tactics for Training Graduate Students to Become Competent Teachers
I received my PhD in social psychology from Saint Louis University in 2003 and am in the midst of my second semester as assistant professor of psychology at Georgia Southern University. In graduate school I
Same Subject, Different Setting: Teaching Psychology from the Two-year Perspective
As a graduate student in social psychology at the University of Oklahoma, I was groomed to go out into the world and work at a college or university as a psychology professor; this became my
Informed Consent and Consent Forms for Research Participants
Informed consent is a communication process by which researchers reach agreement with people about whether they wish to participate in research. Confusing informed consent with a signed consent form may violate the ethical intent of
Observer Forum
Vita Revisited I plan to give the Presidential Column “Vita Voyeur” [Observer, January 2004] to my graduate students and post docs, who will greatly benefit from the thoughtful suggestions of an experienced insider. I even
What Should They Be Called?
“They” refers to the animals – human and infrahuman – in our experiments. It used to be simple: they were subjects, or in certain types of perceptual experiments, observers. In the older literature much was