Studying Sex
Developing research with a specific focus is an important step as an early career psychologist, but choosing to specialize so soon also has its difficulties. When a researcher has an unconventional primary interest, such as
‘Helicopter Parenting’ Discourages Kids
“Helicopter parent” is a 21st century term for parents that “hover” over their children, monitoring and micromanaging their every move. Although parents may find this hard to do, research shows that giving kids space may
Psychology Departments in Context
I remember standing in the mailroom of the psychology department at Indiana University about 25 years ago, opening an envelope and then reading a letter that described a new organization to promote the science of
Re: ‘ABCs of IRBs’
The incident at Virginia Commonwealth University as reported here is sobering: a 450 percent increase in IRB administrative personnel (2 to 9), a 250 percent increase in lRB membership (20 to 50), and a 1,875
Board Member Lisa Feldman Barrett Receives Highest Canadian Scholarly Award
APS Board Member Lisa Feldman Barrett was recently elected to the Royal Society of Canada (RSC): The Academies of Arts, Humanities, and Sciences of Canada. Barrett, who is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Northeastern
55th TeaP
The 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (Conference of Experimental Psychologists) will be held March 24-27, 2013 at the University of Vienna, Austria. For the second time the official language of the TeaP will be English