APS Annual Convention Call for Submissions

APS Annual Convention Call for Submissions

Important Dates

Submissions OpenNovember 8, 2023
Submission DeadlineWednesday, December 20, 2023 at 5:00 PM ET (22:00 UTC)
Decision NotificationsFebruary 2024
Scheduling InformationMarch 2024
Speaker Center and Scheduling Request DeadlineMarch 20
Submission Rescheduling Request DeadlineApril 8
Presenter Registration DeadlineApril 10

Presentation Formats

With all presentation formats, presenters must present on-site at the Convention in San Francisco, CA.


A symposium is a focused session in which individual speakers present their research on a common issue. Symposia should have the dual goals of providing diversity of perspective and integrating those perspectives into a meaningful whole. A symposium includes a chair, three to four presenters, and a discussant (optional). Symposia are scheduled in 80-minute time slots and should allow for discussion among presenters and the audience.

Flash Talk:

A flash talk is an individual presentation delivered by a primary researcher in a particular area of psychological science.  Flash talks offer the opportunity for authors to present their research at the Convention in a 5-minute talk, accompanied by slides.  These submissions can discuss empirical results, methods and tools, or applications of psychological science. The Program Committee will accept 5-10 outstanding flash talks in each subject area for presentation at the Convention. Since so few flash talks can be accepted for presentation, we encourage you to also submit your research as a poster if you are interested. Flash talks will not automatically be considered for presentation as a poster.


Poster presenters will have the opportunity to highlight aspects of their research at the APS Annual Convention. Poster Presenters will be assigned to a poster session where they will have the opportunity to discuss their research with interested attendees. There are 4 types of poster submissions for the APS Annual Convention:

  • Standard Poster: Standard Poster submissions must only report data collection and analysis that has been completed by the time the submission is finalized. Submissions that do not report collected data and analyses, or that do not have enough collected data or analysis to make an empirical claim, will not be accepted. Non-empirical research should not be submitted as a poster. Standard Posters are eligible to apply for poster awards.
  • Research Proposal Poster: Research Proposal Posters should represent plans for a future empirical study. Data collection should not be complete. This is a chance to receive early feedback on your research study plan. Your submission should describe an empirical research study plan in detail including hypotheses, experimental design, plan for participant recruitment, procedure, plan for statistical analysis, and expected results. Research Proposal Posters are not eligible to apply for poster awards.
  • Teaching Poster: Teaching posters should pertain to the teaching of psychological science. This includes, but is not limited to, teaching techniques, innovations, evaluation, and philosophy. Posters should focus on methods for teaching psychology, such as particularly effective or innovative courses or course organizations, strategies (including demonstrations) for promoting active learning, ways of integrating course material, helpful use of technology, and the like. These posters are presented as part of the pre-conference Teaching Institute, which takes place on Thursday. The Teaching Institute requires an additional fee.
  • Cross-Cutting Theme Poster: The Convention features two cross-cutting theme programs in which leading researchers from across psychological science’s sub-disciplines come together to discuss current topics, bringing insight from their particular fields.
    • Team Science –  How does team science work within the current incentive structures of the field (e.g., tenure track, NIH, NSF)? What does effective team science look like in terms of organizational structure? Operations? And research output? How can team science be leveraged to generate insights and innovations? Are there ways that team science can be used to address seemingly intractable problems in psychological science?
    • The second topic is forthcoming. 

For more detailed information, please review the full submission rules and guidelines:

Still Have Questions? Review the Submissions FAQs:

Learn more about the Poster Awards offered at the 2024 APS Annual Convention, and consider applying if you meet the requisite qualifications.