Psychologist Explains Why We Love Holiday, Feel-Good Movies
Dr. Pamela Rutledge, Director of the Media Psychology Research Center, discusses why people love predictable, feel-good holiday movies.
Waiting for a Test Result Can Be Brutal. Here’s How to Deal.
… Simply trying to zone out is particularly ineffective when you’re waiting for significant news, said Kate Sweeny, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, who studies the difficulty of waiting. So
Doing Good is Good For You, Research Shows
If you want to increase your happiness and well-being, spend your money, time or energy on someone else. Research consistently finds that acts of altruism, such as donating money, volunteering or giving blood, benefit both
Informal Caregivers Report Reduced Well-Being, May Not Bounce Back Years Later
Individuals acting as caregivers saw a decrease in life satisfaction and mood, alongside increases in depression, anxiety, and loneliness.
Buy Happiness—by Giving Your Money Away
Next time you’re feeling stressed, try giving some money away. Generosity is a powerful drug even in small doses. Donations to a worthy cause or acts of kindness to friends give your mind and body
Green Actions, Brighter Lives: Enhancing Well-Being Through Environmental Action
Podcast: Can environmentally friendly actions boost personal well-being? Tune in to discover how a sustainable lifestyle offers profound benefits.