Study: Vaccines & Hand-Washing Can Reduce Prejudice Against Immigrants, the Obese & Crack Addicts
Discover Magazine: The war between people and disease-causing pathogens is old as humanity itself. This has helped shaped our so-called behavioral immunity, which can lead us, for example, to automatically avoid people who are visibly
Sikh Teenager Raps Against Bullying
The Wall Street Journal: Michigan-based Gulshan Singh, 18, felt strongly about countering the widespread bullying of Sikh teenagers in the U.S. “I wanted to do something about it but never knew how to, or never had
Seriously, Men Only Think They’re Funnier
The New York Times: The Gist: Men aren’t much funnier than women. They just think they are. The Source: “Who’s Funny: Gender Stereotypes, Humor Production, and Memory Bias” by Laura Mickes, Drew E. Walker, Julian
Five sex myths busted
Cleo Magazine: Men think about sex more than women. Men want more sexual partners than women do. Would you bet your morning latte that these statements are true? If so, you might have to say
Zij van Venus, hij van Mars?
De Standaard: Komen mannen en vrouwen van verschillende planeten? Wetenschappers menen van niet. Onlangs schreven psychologen nog in Science dat er geen enkele bewezen reden is om jongens en meisjes op school apart les te geven.
Fedeltà, orgasmo, partner i luoghi comuni sfatati dalla scienza
La Repubblica: Il cantautore Cesare Cremonini non è più l’unico a credere che gli uomini e le donne siano uguali: a fargli eco sono anche gli scienziati. Negli ultimi 20 anni, molti studi hanno dimostrato