Considering Your Opponent’s Perspective Isn’t Likely to Change Your View
It’s a piece of advice we’ve all received at one time or another: Don’t judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes. It’s based on the assumption that seeing things from another
A research-backed reason not to worry about what your peers think of you
Can you ever really know what your colleagues think about you? New research suggests there’s a good chance you already do. In a meta-analysis led by Hyunji Kim, a psychologist at York University in Toronto
Psychological Study Explores How Bodies Shape First Impressions
When you first meet someone, it’s likely that you judge their personality based on what little information you have. While what we infer from faces has been well studied, new research from The University of
How to Handle Difficult Conversations at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is America’s yearly celebration of family togetherness. But with partisan divisions at a boiling point after the polarizing midterm election and a punishing political year, many are bracing themselves for a war of words
Most Initial Conversations Go Better Than People Think
Have you ever met someone, replayed your conversation in your head and thought of the perfect response to a question or statement after the fact? Something that would have demonstrated how witty or knowledgeable you
How to Meet Autistic People Halfway
One of the most widely held beliefs about autistic people — that they are not interested in other people — is almost certainly wrong. Our understanding of autism has changed quite a bit over the