Sound and vision work hand in hand
Yahoo! India: A new study has revealed that our senses of sight and hearing work closely together, perhaps more than people realize. In the study of how one sense can affect another, Ladan Shams, aUCLA
Even Unconsciously, Sound Helps Us See
“Imagine you are playing ping-pong with a friend. Your friend makes a serve. Information about where and when the ball hit the table is provided by both vision and hearing. Scientists have believed that each
2012 Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior Meeting
The 2012 Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior Meeting will be held July 10-July 14, 2012 in Zurich, Switzerland. For more information visit: http://www.ssib.org/SSIB_2012/
Day Old Chickens Prefer The Same Music That You Do
Scientific American: You might have more in common with the chicken on your plate than you realize. Sure, you’ve also got two thighs, two legs, two breasts, and two wings (sort of). But new research
APS Fellows Lead in Taste Research
Which part of your tongue tastes sweet flavor most intensely? You may be familiar with the “tongue map” that supposedly showed which regions of our tongues sense bitter, sour, sweet, and salty tastes most intensely.
Man with schizophrenia has out-of-body experience in lab, gains knowledge, controls his psychosis
Discover Magazine: RM had his first out-of-body experience at the age of 16. Now, at the age of 55, he has had more than he can count. They usually happen just before he falls asleep