Psychologist Explains Why We Love Holiday, Feel-Good Movies
Dr. Pamela Rutledge, Director of the Media Psychology Research Center, discusses why people love predictable, feel-good holiday movies.
New Content From Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on natural experiments, calculating and interpreting prediction intervals, the misuse of the bayes factor, analyzing ecological momentary assessment data, and much more.
What Comes Next? The Joy of Anticipating Melodies
Podcast: In this episode of Under the Cortex, APS’s Özge Gürcanlı Fischer Baum hosts music researchers who delve into the rewarding experience of accurately predicting tunes.
Expect the Unexpected: Why We Process Surprising Objects More Deeply
We tend to pay greater attention to incongruent objects, making us less likely to remember details about and changes to congruent objects.
Predicting the Future Is Possible. These ‘Superforecasters’ Know How.
Can we predict the future more accurately? It’s a question we humans have grappled with since the dawn of civilization — one that has massive implications for how we run our organizations, how we make
The Brain’s ‘Prediction Machine’ Anticipates the Future When Listening to Music
New research explores the brain’s “prediction machine” capabilities by examining how we experience music.