New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on understanding how people attribute inequality, differences in visuospatial perspective taking, global diversity across psychological science, reasoning, altruism, racism, religion, and much more.
Caregiving Across the Lifespan: Collected Psychological Science Research
From informal family caregivers at home to trained professionals in health care facilities, how caregivers act and behave can greatly impact the outcomes of those they care for.
What Defines Young Leaders? More Research Could Benefit Youth and Society Broadly
Lead author Jennifer Tackett: “The rapid development of personality, peer relationships, values and vocational identity during this period, make adolescence an optimal time for developing leadership potential.”
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on stress responses, Qualia, sex/gender differences in verbal fluency, seeing racism as a zero-sum game, why (and when) beliefs change, and much more.
A Broader Definition of Learning Could Help Stimulate Interdisciplinary Research
Humans and other mammals aren’t the only entities capable of adapting to their environment—schools of fish, robots, and even our genes can learn new behaviors.
APS Articles on Juvenile Recidivism, the Gender/Sex Binary Win SPSP Awards
Two APS journal articles—one published in Psychological Science and the other in Perspectives on Psychological Science—have been singled out for awards from The Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP).