Feel the Noise
National Geographic: If you’ve ever clenched up at the sound of nails on a chalkboard, or felt a pleasant chill when listening to an opera soprano, then you have an intuitive sense of the way
Les personnes malades sont détectables à l’odeur (Sick people have a detectable odor)
Le Figaro: Bière rance, pain brûlé ou encore viande de boucherie: ces senteurs peu avenantes se dégagent de personnes atteintes respectivement de scrofule (une sorte d’affection tuberculeuse), de fièvre typhoïde et de fièvre jaune. Mais
Behavior’s Influence on Biology
One of the basic tenets of psychological science holds that the biology of our brains heavily influences our actions, behaviors, judgments, and more. But what if we reverse that premise and examine an opposite supposition
You really do smell sick
The Boston Globe: Next time someone says that you stink, you might want to take it as friendly medical advice. In an experiment, healthy volunteers were injected with either saline placebo or lipopolysaccharide—a molecule found
Body’s Response to Disease Has a Smell, Study Suggest
LiveScience: Humans may be able to smell sickness, or at least detect a distinct odor in the sweat of people with highly active immune systems who are responding to infection, a new study from Sweden
Body’s Response to Disease Has a Smell
Discovery News: Humans may be able to smell sickness, or at least detect a distinct odor in the sweat of people with highly active immune systems who are responding to infection, a new study from