Gorillas in the Lung
The Scientist: Anyone who’s taken an introductory psychology course in the last 20 years likely remembers the “invisible gorilla” video. The video shows a group of kids engaged in a ball-passing game while, mostly unnoticed
Mealtime routines and rituals improve flavor
Salon: It’s hard to imagine how unhygienic candle-blowing or your family’s jarring birthday overtures could possibly make eating cake more pleasurable. But, researchers at harvard and the University of Minnesota say it’s exactly the singsong
Ein Gorilla in der Lunge (A gorilla in the lungs)
Suddeutsche Zeitung: Das Offensichtliche trägt ein zotteliges Kostüm, stellt sich in die Mitte des Bildes und trommelt sich auf die Brust. Und was passiert? Die meisten Probanden dieses längst klassischen Tests von 1999 übersehen die
When Good Pictures Happen to Bad People: Why We Hate That We Like The Rolling Stone Cover
TIME: His dark eyes stare straight at the lens, his hair tousled so it falls just-so to one side, just as any teen idol or rock star would want to debut on a national magazine
To Savor the Flavor, Perform a Short Ritual First
Birthday celebrations often follow a formula, including off-key singing, making a birthday wish while blowing out candles, and the ceremonial cutting of the birthday cake. New research suggests that this ritual not only makes the
Distracted at Dinner? That’s Why Your Cooking Tastes Bland
Research suggests that in addition to making us eat more, distractions during meals may also make our food taste different.