Can Our Beliefs About Exercise Make Us Fat?
Everyone is an expert when it comes to weight and weight control, and I’m no exception. I am what’s known as an “exercise theorist.” That is, I ascribe to the lay theory that sedentary lifestyle
A Salvo in the Soda Wars
New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s controversial ban on large, sugary drinks was slated to go into effect today, but a state judge struck it down at the last minute. Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling
Your Child’s Fat, Mine’s Fine: Rose-Colored Glasses And The Obesity Epidemic
NPR: About 69 percent of American adults are overweight or obese, and more than four in five people say they are worried about obesity as a public health problem. But a recent poll conducted by
Pounds of Personality
It’s November, which means that Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching—and with it the season of temptation. Beginning with the giblet gravy and ending with the New Year’s Eve champagne toast, the weeks ahead will add a
What Role Should Government Play in Combating Obesity?
The Wall Street Journal: Should the government tell you what size soda you can drink? New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg seems to think so. He has pushed through a ban on the sale of
Some anti-obesity campaigns may backfire, researchers say
Los Angeles Times: As U.S. health authorities prosecute an all-out war against obesity, a small cadre of researchers is warning that the nation’s 78 million obese adults and 12.5 million obese children are already suffering