New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on audience characteristics in eliciting amusement, visual working memory, the effect of underestimating counterparts’ learning goals, misplaced barriers to asking for help, face-information sampling, and much more.
Charging up the Creative Battery
Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) can be used to help bolster areas of the brain associated with creative thought. By learning about the neural patterns of creative thought, scientists are exploring how to steer them in new directions.
If You’d Love to Create Something, Let It Go
Artists are haunted by the specter of creative burnout, but research suggests that the best way to overcome barriers to creativity may be to accept them as part of the process.
Careers Up Close: Amy Belfi on Music Perception and Cognition
Amy Belfi, an assistant professor at Missouri S&T, discusses her research into the impact that audio and music have on the brain—and looking forward to learning more, getting tenure, and playing the upcoming Nintendo Zelda game.
The Brain Loves a Challenge. Here’s Why.
As a rock climber, I fight against gravity while I scale the walls and their rocklike holds. But my arms invariably fatigue, my grip slips with sweat, and, sometimes, my nerves question whether I should
The Forgotten Lessons of the Recovered Memory Movement
Most students in psychology and psychiatry programs today are too young to have any firsthand memory of the moral panic engendered by the recovered memory movement in the 1980s and early 1990s. This was a