Believing That Others Understand Helps Us Feel That We Do, Too
Our sense of what we know about something is increased when we learn that others around us understand it, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Real-Time Data May Be the Best Backseat Driver
New technology is allowing auto insurers to offer insurance models that can use an individual’s real-time driving behavior rather than actuarial tables to help determine their insurance costs. Several major insurance companies now offer Pay-As-You-Drive
Can Electronic Monitoring Improve Employee Performance?
“Your call may be recorded for quality assurance and training purposes.” We’ve all probably heard this message after dialing a call center before, but have you ever really thought about whether anyone was actually listening
Denn wir wissen nicht, was wir sagen (For we know not what we say)
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wenn wir einen Satz sagen wollen, geht diesem im Idealfall ein Gedankenprozess voraus. Diese Gedanken wandelt unser Gehirn in Sprache um und anschließend kommen mehr oder weniger kluge Sätze aus unseren Mündern. Es
You Don’t Know What You’re Saying
Scientific American If you think you know what you just said, think again. People can be tricked into believing they have just said something they did not, researchers report this week.The dominant model of how
You don’t always know what you’re saying
Nature: If you think you know what you just said, think again. People can be tricked into believing they have just said something they did not, researchers report this week. The dominant model of how