Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program aims to equip troops mentally
Los Angeles Times: Brig. Gen. Rhonda Cornum found out what combat stress was in the back of a pickup during the first Gulf War in 1991 when one of her Iraqi captors unzipped her flight
Traumatic Experiences Make You Stronger, Study Reveals
The Huffington Post: As German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ and now there is new evidence to support his theory as researchers discover that traumatic experiences can help
Traumatic Experiences: Bad in the Start, Good in the Long Run
International Business Times: Traumatic experiences can change life in an instant. Whether it’s a car crash, losing a loved one, or sexual abuse, these sorts of incidents can scar a person for life, but not
Estimates in the Balance
The Wall Street Journal: Body posture can influence how we estimate such things as age and size, a study shows. Thirty-three undergraduates stood on a Wii Balance Board, a videogame-system accessory. Researchers surreptitiously manipulated the
Nietzsche was right: adversity makes you stronger
The Telegraph: US psychologists found that while traumatic experiences such as assault, bereavement or natural disaster can be extremely damaging, smaller amounts of trauma may help people develop resilience. “Everybody’s heard the aphorism ‘whatever doesn’t
Left-leaning estimations
The Globe and Mail: “If something has gone down in your estimation, check your stance,” says the New Scientist. “Leaning to the left encourages people to underestimate everything from the height of buildings to the