Why Our Memory Fails Us
The New York Times: NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON, the astrophysicist and host of the TV series “Cosmos,” regularly speaks to audiences on topics ranging from cosmology to climate change to the appalling state of science literacy
Experts: Conflicting eyewitness accounts aren’t surprising
The Washington Post: National experts on eyewitness testimony said it’s not surprising that there would be so many conflicting accounts — particularly of a chaotic crime scene. Memory, they say, isn’t like a video recording. Our
Ellen Langer: Mindfulness And The Power Of Thought
NPR: Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer is known as the “mother of mindfulness.” Her research focuses on the many benefits of purposefully paying attention,and in contrast,the psychological and professional costs of thought patterns that limit awareness.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Body Movement Selectively Shapes the Neural Representation of Musical Rhythms Baptiste Chemin, André Mouraux, and Sylvie Nozaradan Although movement is thought to shape the processing of sensory
Polarizing Foods
Slate: No matter how you slice it, the wiggly cylinder of cranberry sauce à la can tends to get a reaction on Thanksgiving. For some, this ridged wonder summons nostalgia for Thanksgivings past or glee
Distracted Driving May Become More Dangerous as We Age
Older drivers have actually been found to be safer drivers in many respects when compared to younger people. They’re more likely to wear seatbelts and less likely to engage in risky behavior, like speeding and