National Academies Release New Consensus Report on How People Learn
The National Academy of Sciences Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences and Board on Science Education have released a consensus report on new advances in the science of learning.
Harvard Psychology Professor Discusses How Trauma Affects Memory
NPR’s Ari Shapiro speaks with clinical psychologist Richard McNally about memory retention following traumatic events in light of the sexual assault accusations brought against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Minding Education
Findings and concepts in psychological science can spark not only educational innovation, but new ways to assess whether specific teaching methods are effective, APS Fellow Stephen M. Kosslyn says in a guest column.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring process-based therapy, motor performance and risk for psychosis, and reports of recovered memories in the context of psychotherapy.
The Psychological Science of Studying, Learning, and Teaching
Research published in APS journals shows some of the strategies and traits associated with student success.
The 2018–2019 APS Board
Barbara Tversky becomes Board President as Suparna Rajaram moves to Immediate Past President. Lisa Feldman Barrett steps in as President-Elect, and Vonnie C. McLoyd and Maryanne Garry begin terms as Members-at-Large.