Where’s the Proof That Mindfulness Meditation Works?
Scientific American: The concept of mindfulness involves focusing on your present situation and state of mind. This can mean awareness of your surroundings, emotions and breathing—or, more simply, enjoying each bite of a really good
Mindfulness and Meditation Need More Rigorous Study, Less Hype
The spread of mindfulness and meditation as wellness tools outpaces scientific evidence, a team of researchers concludes.
Wellbeing: Meditation as Medicine
The Arlington Connection: In her dimly lit basement in Great Falls, Mary Beth Kogod sounds a meditation bell that echoes through the room. The 12 people sitting on cushions in a circle around her close
How Meditation Changes the Brain and Body
The New York Times: The benefits of mindfulness meditation, increasingly popular in recent years, are supposed to be many: reduced stress and risk for various diseases, improved well-being, a rewired brain. But the experimental bases
Understanding and Training Attention and the Conscious Mind
00:12 – Why Are You Not Paying Attention? Attention Capacity Limits, Individual Differences and Their Neural Basis – Nilli Lavie, University College London 24:12 – The Power of Consciousness: Hypnosis, Placebo, and Suggestion – Axel
Ask Well: The Health Benefits of Meditation
The New York Times: Meditation has long been used to induce calm and physical relaxation. But research on its potential uses for treating medical problems “is still in its very early stages,” and designing trials