New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring: equanimity and mindfulness training; episodic memory, culture, and well-being; and environmental sensitivity as a predictor of intervention response.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring: mind-body practices and self-enhancement; early gender differences in core values and career orientation; and gender differences in online daters’ educational preferences.
Hey Boss, You Don’t Want Your Employees to Meditate
Mindfulness meditation, a Buddhism-inspired practice in which you focus your mind entirely on the current moment, has been widely embraced for its instrumental benefits — especially in the business world. Companies like Apple, Google and
Mindfulness meditation is huge, but science isn’t sure how, or whether, it works
Meditation: It’s celebrated as a therapeutic tool to help ease stress, anxiety, depression, addiction and chronic pain. It’s come into vogue as a way to enhance human performance, finding its way into classrooms, businesses, locker
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring experimenter expectations and social priming, loving-kindness meditation and positive emotions, and vicarious optimism.
Our obsession with mindfulness is based on limited scientific evidence
Mindfulness practices are promoted at major corporations like Google, offered as psychotherapy via the National Health Service in the UK, taught to about 6,000 school children in London, and widely studied across sub-disciplines of psychological