The Political Effects Of Existential Fear
Why did the approval ratings of President George W. Bush— who was perceived as indecisive before September 11, 2001—soar over 90 percent after the terrorist attacks? Because Americans were acutely aware of their own deaths.
‘My Extreme Animal Phobia’ explores fears of creatures big and small
Los Angeles Times: Medical reality television has a new kid on the block: “My Extreme Animal Phobia,” in which people face their terror of four-footed and creepy-crawly creatures. Why extreme? Because when it comes to
Il sesto senso per gli «untori»
Corriere della Sera: Secondo uno studio delle Università del Kentucky e della Florida pubblicato su Psychological Science, quando siamo convalescenti sviluppiamo una sorta di sesto senso nei confronti di chi potrebbe essere portatore di un
Can Our Immune Systems Tell Us Who’s Sick?
Discovery News: The placebo effect relies on the mind’s ability to influence the body, but does the same work in reverse? For instance, after being sick, can the body’s immune system subconsciously tell us who’s
How to Recognize a Psychopath
Huffington Post: Hannibal Lecter is arguably the world’s most famous psychopath. I know — he’s not real. Still, the anti-hero of “The Silence of the Lambs” embodies the chilling constellation of traits generally associated with
The psychology of terror
WXIA: Anthony Lemieux is a professor at the Emory School of Medicine whose speciality is the psychology of terror. 11Alive News talked to him about al-Qaeda’s threat of violence to coincide with the 10th anniversary