Louder Than Words
From facial cues to physical stances, our nonverbal expressions speak volumes to others. APS Fellows Klaus Scherer and Beatrice de Gelder and other researchers share the latest science on communication in the absence of speech.
Does Frequent Sex Lead to Better Relationships? Depends on How You Ask
Newlyweds who have frequent sex don’t report greater relationship satisfaction than those who have less sex, but their automatic behavioral responses tell a different story.
Take a chance on me
The Boston Globe: IF YOU DON’T think there are many people to date in your area, be careful not to put all your eggs in one basket. In a new study, both men and women
Fewer Romantic Prospects May Lead to Riskier Investments
Encountering information suggesting that it may be tough to find a romantic partner shifts people’s decision making toward riskier options, according to new findings from a series of studies published in Psychological Science, a journal
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: To Live Among Like-Minded Others: Exploring the Links Between Person-City Personality Fit and Self-Esteem Wiebke Bleidorn, Felix Schönbrodt, Jochen E. Gebauer, Peter J. Rentfrow, Jeff Potter, and
Scientists say people with these facial features may get paid more
Business Insider: When you first interview for a job or head into a salary negotiation, there’s a lot that’s under your control. You can easily impress the person on the other side of the table