Lamb Wins G. Stanley Hall Award
APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Michael E. Lamb, University of Cambridge, has won the 2014 G. Stanley Hall Award for Distinguished Contribution to Developmental Psychology and the 2013 Award for Distinguished Contribution to Psychology and
Q&A With Dieter Wolke
Dieter Wolke is a professor in the Department of Psychology and Division of Mental Health & Wellbeing at the University of Warwick, UK. His research focuses on social and emotional development, specifically school and sibling
The Family That Fights Together
The Wall Street Journal: It is a quandary every couple with children eventually faces: Should we fight in front of the kids? The answer is complicated. Child psychologists who study the issue tend to say
To Help a Shy Child, Listen
The New York Times: Toward the end of the summer, I was seeing a middle-school girl for a physical. The notes from a clinic visit last spring said she was a good student but didn’t
Study Says Yelling Is As Hurtful as Hitting
The Wall Street Journal: Parents who yell at their adolescent children for misbehaving can cause some of the same problems as hitting them would, including increased risk of depression and aggressive behavior, according to a
New report finds that effects of child abuse and neglect, if untreated, can last a lifetime
The Washington Post: In the first major study of child abuse and neglect in 20 years, researchers with the National Academy of Sciences reported Thursday that the damaging consequences of abuse can not only reshape