Stress Higher in Children With Depressed Parents
Children with depressed parents get stressed out more easily than children with healthy parents—if the depressed parents are negative toward their child. That’s the conclusion of a study published in an upcoming issue of Psychological
Grief, Unedited
The New York Times: EVER since Joan Didion’s book “The Year of Magical Thinking” began its long run as a best seller in 2005, a number of first-person accounts of losing a husband have been
Measuring the Suicidal Mind
People who are contemplating killing themselves often conceal their suicidal thoughts, but scientists have adapted a widely used implicit association test to predict a person’s suicide risk.
A tool for predicting suicide?
Suicide is both disturbing and perplexing to survivors, in part because it is so unpredictable. People who are intent on killing themselves often conceal their thoughts or outright deny them, so family and friends are
Childhood Trauma and Depression
Children who experience early-life stress and abuse are at risk of a wide spectrum of later disorders and symptoms, including depression.
Religion can comfort or terrorize in response to death concerns
To many people, death is seen as a frightening concept. Although it is in general a common theme in books, music, and movies, we prefer to keep thoughts of our own death to a minimum.