Is Burnout Depression by Another Name?
The feelings of work related exhaustion associated with “burnout” could be a form of depression.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, psychopathology and fecundity, the general factor of psychopathology, task learning in schizophrenia, life positive events and depression, predictions of hospitalization outcomes, and adolescents’ stress reactions to COVID-19.
Despite Good News, You’re Not Feeling Better. There’s A Reason Why.
For those on the left and right who welcomed Biden’s election, the inaugural transition seemed like the moment to finally leave behind the psychological toll of the deception, bullying, and deadly incompetence that characterized the
Evolution Could Explain Why Psychotherapy May Work for Depression
A consensus has emerged in recent years that psychotherapies—in particular, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)—rate comparably to medications such as Prozac and Lexapro as treatments for depression. Either option, or the two together, may at times
2021 APS Janet Taylor Spence Awards
Hear from the seven recipients of
this year’s APS Janet Taylor Spence Awards for Transformative Early Career Contributions. -
How Depression and Stress Could Dampen Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines
Health behaviors and emotional stressors can alter the body’s ability to develop an immune response to vaccines, including—potentially—the new COVID-19 vaccines.