Wann Überfluss zum Kauf motiviert (When motivated abound to purchase)
ORF Austria: Wie groß die Produktbandbreite sein sollte, um Kunden zum Kauf zu motivieren, bestimmt hauptsächlich, wie gut sie über das Produkt Bescheid zu wissen glauben. Angebot kann Lust aufs Kaufen machen – oder davon
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Young Children Bet on Their Numerical Skills: Metacognition in the Numerical Domain Vy A. Vo, Rosa Li, Nate Kornell, Alexandre Pouget, and Jessica F. Cantlon Although metacognition
When It’s Bad to Have Good Choices
The New Yorker: It may not surprise you to learn that healthy, well-fed people in affluent countries are often unhappy and anxious. But it did startle Zbigniew Lipowski when he came to a full realization
Is One of the Most Popular Psychology Experiments Worthless?
The Atlantic: Harvard University justice professor Michael J. Sandel stood before a lecture hall filled with students recently and presented them with an age-old moral quandary: “Suppose you’re the driver of a trolley car, and your trolley
Cognitive Factors May Predict the Need for Speed
Driving over the speed limit is the most common violation drivers make and one of the biggest contributors to traffic crashes. Speeding is estimated to have contributed to 30% of all fatal automobile crashes in
Spotted at last: “Homo economicus”?
Discover Magazine: Economists like to say that, to a first approximation, we are. In other words, that we tend to seek to maximize our own rewards, in a more or less rational manner. The trouble