The Beauty Bias: Can People Love the One They are Compatible With?
Physical attractiveness is important in choosing whom to date. Good looking people are not only popular targets for romantic pursuits, they themselves also tend to flock together with more attractive others. Does this mean then
Destined to Cheat? New Research Finds Free Will Can Keep us Honest
With the start of the New Year millions of Americans have resolved to lie less, cheat less, put the holiday hangovers behind them, or otherwise better their lives. Some will moderate their bad habits; others
Unanimous Union: The Mind and Body Together Lean Toward ‘Truthiness’
‘Truthiness,’ according to television satirist Stephen Colbert, represents the human preference to follow our intuition despite the presence of facts or evidence. For example, the more ambiguous an answer to a question, the more likely
Dawes Unplugged – An Interview with Robyn Mason Dawes
Dawes Unplugged An Interview with Robyn Mason Dawes Hosted by Joachim I. Krueger This video is a companion to, “Rationality and Social Responsibility: Essays in Honor of Robyn Mason Dawes,” part of the book series
The Science of Collective Decision-Making
Why do some juries take weeks to reach a verdict, while others take just hours? How do judges pick the perfect beauty queen from a sea of very similar candidates? We have all wondered exactly
Decisions, Decisions
The themed program “Risky Decision-Making Across the Lifespan” at the APS 19th Annual Convention included a symposium on everything from the neurological basis for decision-making to the wide-reaching societal implications of understanding how we make