If It’s Hard to Say, It Must be Risky
We all have different criteria for what we consider risky. However, numerous studies have suggested that we tend to perceive familiar products and activities as being less risky and hazardous than unfamiliar ones. If something
Conscious vs. Unconscious Thought in Making Complicated Decisions
When faced with a difficult decision, we try to come up with the best choice by carefully considering all of the options, maybe even resorting to lists and lots of sleepless nights. So it may
Why We Procrastinate and How To Stop
Research suggests that people who thought about a task in abstract terms were more likely to put it off.
Could Your Initials Influence Where You Choose to Work? A Systematic Test of the “Name-Letter Effect”
One of the most important decisions that we can make is what company we will work for. There are a number of factors to consider when making this decision, including salary, benefits and work location.
Deal or No Deal? The Role of Emotions in Negotiating Offers
A series of experiments reveal whether people who trust their feelings (and those who do not) handle themselves in the art of negotiation.
Why it’s good to have smart friends: The role of feedback in decision making
Every day we are faced with a multitude of options, but the majority of choices we make fall into two categories: descriptive choice (based on what we are told or on statistics) and experiential choice