New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring the time course of memory processes, young children’s judgment of free-riders, and links between economic downturns and race-related attitudes.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the dynamics of iconic memory, linguistic cues and policy support, and antisocial punishment of cooperators.
“You’re Making Us Look Bad!” Why the Best Cooperators Sometimes Get Punished
The results of this experiment suggest that competitive environments could curtail selflessness or generosity
The Toolkits of Creative Teams: Lessons from Hollywood Animation
This study found that experts rate animated movies as more creative when animation teams use a variety of tools, most of which were already established in the field.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring action-specific perception, intuitive judgments about the limits of science, and group reputation and prosocial behavior in children.
The Rhythm of Prosociality
Chanting at football games, singing national anthems, and marching in a band are examples of rituals that bring groups of people together. They all incorporate synchrony, a matching of rhythmic behaviors, which appears to generate