Hacking the APS Convention
Hackathons started in the tech industry, but scientists are working to modify them into open-science collaborations that would be right at home at APS Annual Conventions.
Pulling Together
Simple comparative experiments reveal how shared intentionality and social coordination set humans apart from other primates, says APS Fellow Michael Tomasello.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring rationality in joint action; parenting, poverty, and brain connectivity; coupling between vocabulary and reasoning; and links between visual attention and perceived emotion.
How We Roll: Study Shows We’re More Lone Wolves Than Team Players
What credo would you choose: “Share and share alike?” or “To each his own”? The choice doesn’t relate only to material goods or socialism versus capitalism. It can also reflect attitudes about how we solve
Eating From a Shared Plate Encourages Cooperation
President Donald Trump’s recent summit with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jung-un ended in embarrassing failure, and Trump’s occasional attempts to forge deals with Congressional Democrats have usually gone just as poorly. New research points
Could a Certain Style of Business Lunch Boost Team Performance?
A series of experiments suggests that professional interactions might benefit from ‘doing lunch’ like a family meal.