Cooperation in Chimpanzees Reveals Aspects of Our Evolutionary Past
In a study of helping, donation, and punishment, researchers found that chimpanzees were often faster to cooperate than to behave selfishly.
Uncommon knowledge: Goal post thrills, speaking fees
Negotiating, family style In a series of experiments, pairs of individuals ate snack food and then played business strategy games. When the food was eaten from a shared container compared to separate containers, pairs cooperated
Cooperation in Chimpanzees Reveals Aspects of Our Evolutionary Past
In a study of helping, donation, and punishment, researchers found that chimpanzees were often faster to cooperate than to behave selfishly.
The Cooperative Revolution Is Making Psychological Science Better
A group of authors touts a new era of collaboration, with scientists sharing innovative methods and promoting scientific rigor and transparency.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring links between income inequality and psychological health and ethical free riding.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring contingent attentional engagement, cooperation in chimpanzees, and the role of eye gaze in decision making.