When 2 + 2 = Major Anxiety: Math Performance in Stressful Situations
Imagine you are sitting in the back of a classroom, daydreaming about the weekend. Then, out of nowhere, the teacher calls upon you to come to the front the room and solve a math problem.
Conscious vs. Unconscious Thought in Making Complicated Decisions
When faced with a difficult decision, we try to come up with the best choice by carefully considering all of the options, maybe even resorting to lists and lots of sleepless nights. So it may
Why We Procrastinate and How To Stop
Research suggests that people who thought about a task in abstract terms were more likely to put it off.
The Psychology of Déjà vu
All of us have experienced being in a new place and feeling certain that we have been there before. This mysterious feeling, commonly known as déjà vu, occurs when we feel that a new situation
How our Senses Combine to Give us a Better View of the World
From a young age we are taught about the five senses and how they help us to explore our world. Although each sense seems to be its own entity, recent studies have indicated that there
Study Reveals Clues to How We Forget Over Short-Term
Even though forgetting is such a common occurrence, scientists have not reached a consensus as to how it happens. One theory is that information simply decays from our memory—we forget things because too much time