Read, Kids, Read
The New York Times: Late last year, neuroscientists at Emory University reported enhanced neural activity in people who’d been given a regular course of daily reading, which seemed to jog the brain: to raise its game, if
Mothers’ Symptoms of Depression Predict How They Respond to Child Behavior
Depressive symptoms seem to focus mothers’ responses on minimizing their own distress, which may come at the expense of focusing on the impact their responses have on their children, according to research published in Psychological
Are We Overreacting to Cyberbullies?
Research suggests that there is likely a high degree of overlap between traditional forms of bullying and bullying online.
More Teenage Boys Get Jobs as Baby Sitters, Find Parents Are Fans
The Wall Street Journal: Baby sitter wanted. Lightsaber experience, basketball skills and willingness to wrestle are a plus. With more families entrusting young children to the care of male baby sitters, teenage boys—many who couldn’t
See Jane Evolve: Picture Books Explain Darwin
The Wall Street Journal: Evolution by natural selection is one of the best ideas in all of science. It predicts and explains an incredibly wide range of biological facts. But only 60% of Americans believe
So Much for Your Gut
Inc.: A recent study, led by a Harvard professor and published in the April edition of Psychological Science, found that the ability to discern if others are trustworthy, dominant, and competent just by looking at