Articles Containing “Scott Lilienfeld” — 104 result(s)

The editorial team at Perspectives on Psychological Science wishes to acknowledge the invaluable aid provided by reviewers of manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2016. We are deeply grateful for their generous, conscientious, knowledgeable, and

The editorial team at Psychological Science wishes to acknowledge the invaluable aid provided by reviewers of manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2016. We are deeply grateful for their generous, conscientious, knowledgeable, and constructive help.

The Temple University Department of Psychological Studies in Education (PSE) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. PSE maintains responsibility for this program and its content. To receive credit

Are there any guidelines regarding article format? Can you give me more information on the two questions that must be completed during the submission process? Are the word limits real? Does Clinical Psychological Science have