Can Youth Sports Predict Career Success?
The Wall Street Journal: High school sports experience translates into better success in the workplace, according to a Cornell biodata study. Cornell University’s Kevin Kniffin, the study’s co-author joins the News Hub. Watch the whole
The Fault in Our Stars
The Wall Street Journal: World Cup fans, take note: If your team loses, the problem may be too much talent. Of course, teams benefit from great players. Still, a new study from researchers on both
Football Teams with Too Much Talent May Lose Out
Business Standard: Are you betting for the team with maximum top-notch stars this FIFA World Cup in Brazil? Read on. Contrary to popular belief, researchers have found that after a certain point, the addition of more
Do the Miami Heat Have Too Much Talent?
The Wall Street Journal: A new research paper uses a barnyard analogy to explain why the star-studded Miami Heat now teeter on the brink of elimination: “Having too many dominant, high-egg-producing chickens in a single colony
Stand Up for Better Meetings
In the wake of recent studies showing the health consequences of prolonged sitting, many professionals have begun standing at their work stations, and even in meetings. New research shows that eschewing a chair has a
Sports Teams May Lose Out From Having ‘Too Much Talent’
As the FIFA World Cup kicks off and the NBA finals “heat” up, new research suggests that there is such a thing as having “too much talent” on a sports team. The research indicates that