NITOP 2019
NITOP 2019 41st ANNUAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON THE TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY January 3-6, 2019 TradeWinds Island Grand Hotel, St. Pete beach, Florida Co-sponsored by: The Association for Psychological Science The University of South Florida Department
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
“Strength and Perceived Threat in Numbers: Teaching Students How to Celebrate Racial Diversity“ by C. Nathan DeWall, “Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories“ by David G. Myers
A Hub for Teaching Psychology
The APS Teaching Fund is supporting the development of a central clearinghouse for research on teaching introductory psychology, along with other pedagogical resources.
The Memories of Memory Researchers
APS President Suparna Rajaram asks four internationally renowned psychological scientists, including APS Past President Henry L. (Roddy) Roediger, III, APS Board Member Dorthe Berntsen, APS Fellow Qi Wang, and Charan Ranganath, about the paths that led them to shape how we study and understand human memory.
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Aimed at integrating cutting-edge psychological science into the classroom, Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science offers advice and how-to guidance about teaching a particular area of research or topic in psychological science that has been
Teaching Statistics in the Age of Open Science
An unintended outcome of the move toward open science is that those who teach statistics and research methods now have the ability to incorporate open data and materials into courses.