Is It OK to Reveal Your Anxiety or Depression to Your Boss?
Workers everywhere are having a tough time. Should they ask for help on the job? The share of adults reporting symptoms of anxiety or depression ballooned during the pandemic, according to data from the U.S. Census
The Pandemic Is a ‘Mental Health Crisis’ for Parents
Paige Posladek is pregnant, and stressed. She has two children, ages 2 and 4, works part time as a copywriter, and has seen a therapist on and off for several years to help her deal with
UArizona Psychologist Explains How COVID-19 is Creating Widespread ‘Pandemic Fatigue’
HOW COVID-19 IS CREATING WIDESPREAD ‘PANDEMIC FATIGUE’ — It is a phrase that puts the stress, anxiety, and depression many people are feeling right now into perspective: pandemic fatigue. Experts are concerned that the next
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on sexual-trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), pornography use, eating disorders, clinical practice guidelines, and acute stress and cortisol.
Contracting COVID-19: Lifestyle and Social Connections May Play a Role
New research proposes lifestyle, social, and psychological factors may increase the risk of contracting COVID-19. [July 9, 2020]
The Dark Side of Academia: Common Negative Experiences No One Talks About
Academic life is not just about discovery and excitement. Seven scholars share some common negative experiences in academia that no one talks about.