Social Rejection Could Affect Body’s Immune System, Study Suggests
The Huffington Post: We all know that rejection seriously hurts — and now a new study shows how it could actually be bad for our health. Scientists from the University of British Columbia, Brandeis University
Immune Response May Link Social Rejection to Later Health Outcomes
Data from healthy adolescents indicate that recent exposure to targeted rejection activates the molecular signaling pathways that regulate inflammation.
Gelfand Receives Anneliese Maier Research Award
APS Fellow Michele J. Gelfand, who studies conflict and conducts comparative cultural research, accepted the Anneliese Maier Research Award at a September 13, 2012 ceremony at Heidelberg University in Germany. The award is granted by
Till Death, or 20 Years, Do Us Part
The New York Times: It makes little sense to explore a new era of family values based around Hollywood couplings. Or, worse yet, around mere rumors of the way movie stars conduct their marital affairs.
Welche Gesten den Egoisten entlarven (The gestures that reveal the egoist)
Die Welt: Sie haben jemanden gerade erst kennen gelernt und trotzdem überkommt Sie bereits nach wenigen Minuten ein mulmiges Gefühl. Ihr Bauchgefühl sagt Ihnen, dass Sie dieser Person besser nicht vertrauen sollten. Doch wieso wirken
Robot Reveals Why Humans Trust, and Don’t
Discovery News: Humans often make snap judgements about who to trust. Most people will say “I didn’t like the look of that person,” but what that means, exactly, has been elusive. Now a robot is