Feel Like You’re Going Out of Your Mind? Consider Your Mind-Set
About 13 years ago I made a mistake in a column written for this newspaper. In the hierarchy of errors, it wasn’t a major one, but it was embarrassing. I said daylight saving time had begun when
Neuroscience Could Be the Key to Getting People to Wear Masks
OPINIONS ABOUT WEARING masks and maintaining social distancing are sharply divided, largely along red and blue lines. Conservatives Republicans are the least likely to wear a mask, according to poll data from Pew Research. Some neuroscientists believe that lessons
What We’ll Lose if the Pandemic Puts an End To the Sharing of Food
My 2-year-old has a hard time sharing. Open a bag of Goldfish crackers, and good luck getting one or two for yourself. Lucky for him, now that he spends most of his time within the confines
Should You Say Yes to That Favor? Well …
Until February of this year, doing a friend a favor was mostly a matter of logistics, timing and an honest conversation about whether, well, this friend was worth the effort. But now, as the coronavirus
Loneliness Hasn’t Increased Despite Pandemic, Research Finds. What Helped?
When the coronavirus barreled into the U.S. this year, the predominant public health advice for avoiding infection focused on physical isolation: No parties, concerts or sports events. No congregating inside bars or restaurants. No on-site
We’re Trying To Get People To Wear Masks The Wrong Way
The words “please wear a face mask” is on almost every sign that’s posted in the windows of grocery stores, hair salons, and shops. In many places it’s now mandatory to wear a mask and