The hack to save your marriage: Eli Finkel at TEDxUChicago
TEDx: “The marriage hack has eliminated the downward trajectory of marriage dissatisfaction” According to Eli Finkel, we’ve changed how we value our personal relationships: We’ve come to expect our spouses to fill roles traditionally left
Low Self-Control Promotes Selfless Behavior in Close Relationships
When faced with the choice of sacrificing time and energy for a loved one or taking the self-centered route, people’s first impulse is to think of others, according to new research published in Psychological Science
The Science of Siblings
Parade: How your brothers and sisters shape your life—long after you’ve stopped sharing a room. What can Maggie, Bart, and Lisa tell us about family dynamics? Click here to find out what the experts say.
Marriages among those who met online are as stable as others, study says
The Washington Post: Millions of people first met their spouses through online dating. How have those marriages fared compared with those of people who met in more traditional venues? Pretty well, according to a new
Online Dating Really Can Lead to Love
Science: Millions of people first met their spouses through online dating. But how have those marriages fared compared with those of people who met in more traditional venues such as bars or parties? Pretty well
More Satisfaction, Less Divorce for People Who Meet Spouses Online
TIME: More than one-third of American marriages today get their start online — and those marriages are more satisfying and are less likely to end in divorce, according to a new study. The research, which