New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on social pain, adolescents’ political attitudes and values, disagreement and accuracy, effects of stress on voice features, learning, grief, and anxiety.
Embracing Discomfort Can Open Our Minds to New Ideas
When trying something new, discomfort might feel like a sign we’re in over our heads. Embracing these feelings as a part of learning could help motivate personal growth.
Ruthless Competition, Top-Dog Cultures, and Too Few Women
An organizational emphasis on intellectual superiority can contribute to a “masculinity-contest culture” that may discourage women from jumping in.
Mix It Up: Testing Students on Unrelated Concepts Can Help Jump-Start Learning
Unlike traditional “blocked” testing, which requires students to retrieve information about a single topic, interleaved testing presents a mix of topics from various lessons in order to encourage deeper conceptual learning.
Priming the Brain to Learn
The human brain is skilled at categorizing. People can quickly recognize a new variation of something they’ve seen before, like a dog, a chair, a jacket, or a lamp. We do this even when we’ve
The Effortless Way to Dramatically Improve Your Memory, Backed by Science
Say you need to remember something important. Information from a meeting where taking notes wasn’t possible. A pitch you’ll make to investors. A presentation you’ll make to employees. So you take mental notes, or review written notes. You