Scaling Up Change: A Critical Review and Practical Guide to Harnessing Social Norms for Climate Action
The authors discuss how social norms can be harnessed for climate action, which can include efforts to mitigate greenhouse-gas emissions through personal actions, policy support, or activism, and efforts to increase communities’ resilience and adaptive capacity to extreme weather events and other impacts of climate change.
“A Staggering Public-Health Problem”: Psychological Interventions for the Treatment of Chronic Pain
This PSPI Live is focused on how psychological interventions can be part of a comprehensive plan to manage chronic pain
Implicit-Bias Remedies: Treating Discriminatory Bias as a Public-Health Problem
A report on on public-health strategies that have been successful in reducing implicit bias and accompanying discrimination.
Collected Research by Asian American and Pacific Islander Psychological Scientists
Research by psychological scientists Serena Chen, Stephen Chen, Angela Duckworth, and Jackson Lu.
Eyewitness Error: Malleable Memories, Flawed Legal Processes, and an Opportunity to Train
First PSPI Live explores a 2021 case for testing a witness’s memory of a suspect only once.
Vaccinating Against Bunk: Curbing Viral Misinformation
Online games and nudges aim to curb viral misinformation around vaccines and more.