What Becoming a Parent Really Does to Your Happiness
Few choices are more important than whether to have children, and psychologists and other social scientists have worked to figure out what having kids means for happiness. Some of the most prominent scholars in the
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on maternal depression and its outcomes, COVID-19 and well-being, dissociative amnesia, emotion preferences and anxiety, children’s aggressive behavior, mental health during COVID-19, the use of digital technologies for emotion regulation, and parental training.
How Some Working, Single Moms Manage To Exercise
For the study, researchers followed more than 100 working, single mothers over a week and examined how their mindsets while balancing work and family tasks affected the likelihood of exhibiting healthy behaviors during their downtime.
Parents Are Losing Their Minds Over Masks in Schools
On the first day of school last week, Kelly Carothers picked up her 5-year-old twins from the bus stop and noticed that the kids weren’t wearing their masks. “It’s hot on the bus,” they explained
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on evaluation in psychopathology, adolescents’ use of digital technologies and mental health, depression in adolescents and their parents, childhood adversity and cardiovascular reactions, self-regulation and institutionalized children, marital satisfaction and mental health, and the benefits of imagining one’s goals.
Dads Just Want to Help
My late father was a generous and kind man, but often morose. He was troubled about matters large and small, be they the fate of the world or the water in the basement. I remember two