Why It Feels So Terrible to Drop Your Kid at College
For an adult who is no longer young but not yet old, there is perhaps no better preparation for death than sending a child to college. That’s not because it’s a reminder of the ceaseless
Getting Kids to Eat More Vegetables
If you want a child to eat more vegetables, it might help to use plates illustrated with pictures of vegetables. Researchers tested 235 preschoolers in day care centers. At lunchtime, they gave half the children
How to motivate older kids without using rewards, punishment or fear. (No, really.)
Bo Burnham’s movie “Eighth Grade” brilliantly captures the challenges facing tweens and teens. Kids at that age are experiencing a complicated and often awkward time of self-discovery and growth. They are concerned with their identity
Treating Teen Depression Might Improve Mental Health Of Parents, Too
An estimated 12.8 percent of adolescents in the U.S. experience at least one episode of major depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. According to previous studies, many of those teens’ mental health
This plate design gets young kids to eat more veggies, study finds
Segmented plates with pictures of recommended foods in each compartment led preschoolers to eat more vegetables, according to a research letter published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. These lunch trays have shown similar results
A ‘Generationally Perpetuated’ Pattern: Daughters Do More Chores
It has long been true that women are paid less than men at work and do more of the labor at home. It turns out those patterns start as early as childhood. Although there are