Why We Lie: Time Is A Factor, Study Suggests
The Huffington Post: Lying: Everyone does it, even though we know we shouldn’t. So what makes us do it? Desire for acceptance, preservation of self-esteem, not wanting to get in trouble — any number of
Can You Train Business School Students To Be Ethical?
Slate: A few years ago, Israeli game theorist Ariel Rubinstein got the idea of examining how the tools of economic science affected the judgment and empathy of his undergraduate students at Tel Aviv University. He
The Mind of a Flip-Flopper
The New York Times: Forget for a minute everything you know about politics. Barack Obama now openly supports gay marriage. Mitt Romney now opposes roughly the same kind of health care reform he fought for
Book review: ‘The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty ’ by Dan Ariely
The Washington Post: Behavioral economist Dan Ariely is a funny guy on a mission. As director of the Center for Advanced Hindsight, he insists on a commitment to absurdity, but there is nothing cynical about
Truth meets the gaffe factory
Chicago Tribune: Does President Barack Obama really believe entrepreneurs “didn’t build” their businesses? Does his rival Mitt Romney really “like being able to fire people?” Welcome to summertime, when the fate of political campaigns hangs
Cleanliness Is Next to…Conservatism?
In every election cycle, politicians on both sides of the aisle are accused of practicing ‘dirty politics.’ Neither side is immune from these charges but research from psychological science suggests that we may subconsciously associate